MadSci Network: Evolution |
If evelution is true, and the world just keeps on getting to a better, bigger stage. Things keep evolving and getting better. Then why is the sun, which is the entire reason life is sustained on our planet Earth, running down and losing size. This cannot be if evelution is a true reason for our earth's existence. Please do your best to try to answer my question, as I am confused. I don't really believe that the earth and all the planets could've formed out of an explosion by the sun and settled into a perfect orbit, where neither the earth is too hot nor too cold, and none of the planets collide (not even when Pluto and Neptune change places)! The only logical answer in my opinion is Creation. Please answer soon, so that I won't have a problem understanding other peoples points of view, even if I don't agree with them.
Re: If evelution is true, then.....
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