The Visible Human, A Guided Tour:
See the bottom of the main page
for acknowledgements concerening the images.
Ranjit Bhatnagar for advice concerning the JPEG utilities, and
perl plug-ins for the ImageMagik libraries.
The Annotation 1.0 script uses to process
URL-encoded information, and to manipulate GIF files. I
wrote both this interface and the CGI-based search engine
("find your favorite body part..).
The NetPBM and cjpeg/djpeg utilities provide the framework
for working with JPEG files.
CP Flow Archive:
Thanks to my fellow CP residents for help with developing
the interface: Phil Chen, MD/PhD, Ewa Sicinska, MD,
Julie Gulizia, MD/PhD, and Anjen Chenn, MD/PhD (4Ns..).
David Dorfman, MD/PhD, Medical Director of Lab Hematology
at BWH for help with the flow project.
Ranjit for tips on debugging the javascripts.