Sheril: You forgot to check your mail after the accident.
There were a few things that arrived by post.
I think you should deal with them immediately.
The neighbors are starting to complain.

Winston came to breakfast.

Troeculanda called. She's going through another one of her phases.
Jzots the electrician drank your BBQ sauce and left his spats
upon your dresser. The furnace is no longer working.
The telegram arrived from Malmö. Aurelio says he has
the answer, and I quote: 'I can only imagine that similar things
would happen, as when one sings Le Marsellaise a bit too
loudly in the men's urinals of the Cligancourt station of the
Parisian underground.'

Someone is waiting for you in the basement.
They are from a place I have never seen.
I believe that place is called Omaha, and it
is not on the Transcendental Coastline.