Edible/Inedible Experiments Archive

On this form you can submit experiments to be added to the MadSci Edible/Inedible Experiments Archive. If you have useful images or other multimedia that will help explain the experiment, contact webadmin@www.madsci.org and we will arrange for means by which images can be transferred to our site.

What's worth adding? Experiments should be something that K-12 students (ages 5-18) can attempt at home or within a school lab. The experiment should be *fun* and the results interesting and useful for explaining or understanding specific concepts in science. Things can be as simple as finding and understanding what a pulse is to generating electricity with a potatoe.

Please fill out all information on the form

Your name:

Please give a 'title' for this experiment:

What category of science does this experiment fall under?

Enter a few keywords about what this experiment demonstrates (i.e. stoichiometry, fermentation, neural reflexes, planetary motion, optics..)

What is the expected (or lowest) grade level of person who should try the experiment?

This experiment is edible inedible.

Enter a brief overview of what the experiment does (make soap, view sunspots, learn about reflexes..).

Enter all necessary reagents and equipment in the box below. If things need to be purchased, please specify where they can be obtained (drug store, Radio Shack, etc..).

Please enter all safety measures and necessary precautions below.

An adult should be present need not be present.

Describe how to do the experiment, as well as expected results.

Enter an explanation of what causes the noted effect.

If you know of any books, or further web references that could be of use, enter them below.

If you have further comments, enter them in the space below.

That should do it! Press Submit to send your information to our server, or Reset to clear the form and start over.

Please note that we review all incoming files, and reserve the final right to determine what appears on our site. Any formatting errors appearing on the next page will be corrected in files appearing on our site.

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