Search Engines

A number of web sites specifically have arisen for the sole purpose of cataloging information on the WWW. Searches may be run *for free* at all of these sites. Simply enter one or more words for a given topic in the box that invariably appears at the top the page. To find pages concerning african elephants, you could enter elephant africa in the box.
  1. Of the available engines we have found Google to be one of the most comprehensive. The engine also has nice functions for locating images of specific types of multimedia and options for setting filters and language preferences. Google's SCHOLAR database also catalogs all scientific literature.
  2. The metaindex at Yahoo is also a good place to search. Unlike a search engine, the material at yahoo has been arranged with respect to categories and topics.
  3. Yahooligans: Yahoo's webguide for kids.
  4. Ask Jeeves lets you search for information using "natural language" - you can enter questions directly, as you would when asking someone face-to-face. Sometimes it works well, sometimes you don't exactly get what you wanted..
  5. Biomedical articles and information can be located via the MEDLINE literature search.
  6. Google Groups archives posting from more than 13,000 USENET groups.
  7. Other search engines to try include: Webcrawler and Infoseek.

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