MadSci Network: Microbiology

Subject: what are the different stages of mold and how do they occur on cheeses?

Date: Sun Apr 16 11:50:39 2000
Posted by Sarah Simpson
Grade level: 10-12 School: Colonel Gray High School
City: Charlottetown State/Province: Prince Edward Island Country: Canada
Area of science: Microbiology
ID: 955903839.Mi

We are doing a science project on cheese and it's aging process. It took a 
lot longer for the cheeses to get moldy then we thought. We are wondering 
about the different stages of the mold on a cheese. for example we used 
cheddar, romano, and parmesan, on the cheddar first there was white fuzz, 
then there were green spots which eventually turned black. could you please 
explain these stages to us. Also the other two cheeses(romano and parmesan) 
did not get moldy but they sweat a lot. could you please write back as soon 
as possible, as we have to finish the project soon. Thank you very much!!! 

Re: what are the different stages of mold and how do they occur on cheeses?

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