MadSci Network: General Biology |
Clare, Some common causes of vomiting in adults are infection (viral "stomach flu") and food poisoning or infection (bacterial intoxication, ie. Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus). Less common causes of vomiting include over-eating/over-feeding, blocked intestine, and cough. Occasionally, motion sickness and high fever might also induce vomiting. As you can see, throwing up is not only caused by the stomach and intestines, but also the inner ear (dizziness, motion sickness) and the brain (migraines, brain tumors). Vomiting occurs by the abdominal wall and diaphragm tightening up. It also causes dehydration and can break down the enamel on the back of your teeth if vomiting occurs regularly. For more info, try this NIH website: Bonnie
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