MadSci Network: Earth Sciences

Subject: Why is there such a large difference between sand and air temperature

Date: Fri Sep 26 04:37:15 2003
Posted by mihira bhaskar
Grade level: grad (science) School: FHN
City: MG State/Province: NRW Country: Germany
Area of science: Earth Sciences
ID: 1064569035.Es

Why is the temperature difference between the air and the sand so large in 
deserts.the air temperature is around 45 ° C and sand around 15 ° c higher on  
hot days.And the sand temperature is 5 to 15 ° C lower than air temperature at 
nights.And is the high temprature of sand due to the mineral 
(lime,borax,alkali) content in the day time?And does this make sand a good 
solar heat absorber?

Re: Why is there such a large difference between sand and air temperature

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