MadSci Network: Botany

Subject: What parts of a plant cell actually have the medicinal value?

Date: Tue Feb 8 21:18:04 2005
Posted by Therese Jilek
Grade level: 4-6 School: School District of Waukesha
City: Waukesha State/Province: WI Country: USA
Area of science: Botany
ID: 1107919084.Bt

I am working with a group of 6th graders on a research project about cells, 
their functions and how that knowledge affects our lives in a healthy way. We 
understand that different parts of the plant have medicinal value, but we 
would like a deeper understanding of exactly what parts of a plant cell have 
the medicinal value.  We searched, but could not find an answer. 

Re: What parts of a plant cell actually have the medicinal value?

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