MadSci Network: Botany |
Seeds of cultivated watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) are mainly dispersed by people who plant seeds to grow watermelons. Animals can also disperse the seeds after they pass through their digestive system. A major purpose of the watermelon's large sweet, juicy fruit is to attract animals to disperse its seeds. It is likely that many different animals disperse seeds of watermelon in its native habitat, which is the Kalahari Desert. The brown hyena and monkeys are possible seed dispersers of wild watermelon. References Watermelon Kalahari Desert Brown hyena Poulsen, J.R., Clark, C.J. and Smith, T.B. (2001). Seed dispersal by a diurnal primate community in the Dja Reserve, Cameroon. Journal of Tropical Ecology 17:787–808.
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