Subject: What is the optimum pH for potato catalase?
Date: Tue Apr 11 15:48:03 2000
Posted by Bhupinder Bhogal
Grade level: 10-12
School: Rowley Regis College
City: birmingham State/Province: Tipton
Country: UK
Area of science: Biochemistry
ID: 955486083.Bc
After having carried out an experiment time how long it takes for a
certain amount of oxygen to be produced from the reaction of potato
catalase and hydrogen peroxide, I found that a pH of around 4 is the
fastest rate for this reaction, but I have read in the archives that it is
supossed to be 7. Plaese help me, if I am right then can you please
explain why it is not 7.
Re: What is the optimum pH for potato catalase?
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