MadSci Network: Earth Sciences |
Hello Thomas, This is an interesting question that raises a rather alarming possibility - that a large asteroid impact would do more than devastate the region where it landed but may have global effects on systems like the weather. The type of asteroid you have described is on the large side but is not the largest object that could conceivably impact with earth. It is also likely to be travelling faster than you have imagined - tens of miles per second! The effects of asteroid impacts are very dependant on the size. Smaller objects less than 100m are likely to break up in the atmosphere but still with massive local effects. Impacts on the climate are only likely to occur for an asteroid large enough to produce a very large crater and send large quantities of dust and gasses into the atmosphere. Current thinking suggests an asteroid of about 2km across and certainly larger than 1km. Of course anything even bigger like a comet 10km across would have even more devastating consequences. In researching this answer the best web site I found was the report of the Spaceguard Survey on the NASA web pages. This site discusses the risks associated with different sizes of asteroid and describes the likely effects of a large asteroid much better than I can so I have copied the relevant section for you: "Dust thrown up from a very large crater would lead to total darkness over the whole Earth, which might persist for several months. Temperatures could drop as much as tens of degrees C. Nitric acid, produced from the burning of atmospheric nitrogen in the impact fireball, would acidify lakes, soils, streams, and perhaps the surface layer of the oceans." Spaceguard Survey, Chapter2, Spaceguard Report. In addition longer term effects might be cuased due to the water vapour and CO2 released into the atmopsphere by the fireball and forest fires etc. As a result additional golbal greenhouse warming might occur whcih would further stress plant animal nah humans that had lived through the period of dark and global cooling. Fortunately the likelihood of one of these objects impacting earth soon is small. For global scale effects an asteroid of about 2km across is probably required. Impacts with objects this size are thought to occur only every 300,000 - 500,000 years. Our understanding of the nature of these objects and the process of mapping their orbits is now progressing so we have a good chance of being able to predict impacts in the future and perhaps even nudging dangerously close asteroids away from the earth. For lots more information about asteroid and comet impacts have a look at the NASA pages at: Comets and Asteriod Impact Hazards. Ivan Gee, Atmospheric Research and Information Centre, Manchester, UK.
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