MadSci Network: Neuroscience

Subject: What is the difference between the Skinner box and the Puzzle box?

Date: Wed Nov 15 14:17:39 2000
Posted by Kyle
Grade level: 7-9 School: Iron Horse Middle School
City: San Ramon State/Province: California Country: Usa
Area of science: Neuroscience
ID: 974315859.Ns

-To specify my question, I mean "Which had more accurate and useful results:
Thorndike's Puzzle Box or the Skinner Box?" Thank you for your time!
                                                                Kyle Serzen

I am trying to find out in which box the animals learned faster. From which
box did the animals remember how to get the treat longer?

                                                                -Kyle Serzen


Re: What is the difference between the Skinner box and the Puzzle box? 
-To specify my question, I mean 

Re: What is the difference between the Skinner box and the Puzzle box?

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