MadSci Network: Other

Subject: What would happen to a live animal if placed in a microwave oven?

Date: Mon Feb 12 17:27:42 2001
Posted by Kitty
Grade level: undergrad School: University of Akron
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: No country entered.
Area of science: Other
ID: 982016862.Ot

NO, I am not going to attempt to do this!  I am simply trying to answer a 
question no one else has been able to answer for me.  I am not asking 
about bears or wolves, I am asking about cats or mice or squirrells or 
other small animals that would fit into a normal microwave.  What would 
happen if I put a cat in a microwave and turned it on for 2 minutes, or 10 
minutes, or a half-hour?  Would it explode?  Would it die before it 
exploded?  Could it survive being microwaved?  Is there any period of time 
on any setting it could be in the microwave without being affected?  If it 
did not die and/or explode, what long term effects would the microwaving 
have on the animal?  Has anyone ever performed this experiment? If so, 
what happened?
Please answer my question,
Thank you very much,

Re: What would happen to a live animal if placed in a microwave oven?

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