Subject: Are there plants evolved now that feed on other plants?

Date: Thu Jan 8 14:25:44 1998
Posted by Elizabeth Gruenstein
Grade level: 7-9
School: Stanely Middle School
City: Lafayette State/Province: CA
Country: U.S.
Area of science: Botany
ID: 884291144.Bt

I thought of this because I know that usually plants make their food, 
and there are some carnivorous plants, but is it possible for a plant 
to feed on others?  I'm not talking about parasitic plants like 
bromiliads or mistletoe, I mean a plant that could actually reach over 
and graze on surrounding plants.  And uproot when the food supply is 
gone.  If one is not alive now, perhaps an extinct plant that didn't 
evolve correctly?  Thank you.

Re: Are there plants evolved now that feed on other plants?

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