MadSci Network: Earth Sciences

Re: Is there an equation directly relating altitude to boiling point?

Date: Fri Jan 1 15:59:31 1999
Posted By: Matthew Buynoski, Senior Member Technical Staff,Advanced Micro Devices
Area of science: Earth Sciences
ID: 914618212.Es

Some of the answer you seek probably has to do with how accurate you want to be. I can not find a highly accurate empirical equation that will account for the actual pressure profile of the atmosphere.

I can, however, get you about half way there...

If we model the earth's atmosphere as an ideal gas, then the pressure at any height Y (expressed in kilometers) is

        P = Po * e(-AY)   
        where Po is sea level atmospheric pressure
        A is 0.116 per km

                        (see Resnick and Halliday, "Physics" Part 1, pg. 360).
Now there *must* somewhere be an equation, probably a polynomial curve fit to experimental data, for the vapor pressure of water vs. temperature. There is extremely accurate data on this (see the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics). My ancient edition has a very complete table of this, and I'm reasonably sure that more recent editions do as well). But I can't find an equation fitted to this kind of data, even after looking into a book on atmospheric modelling.

If one could find such an equation, then it will probably have the form of

	VP(T) =  C + DT + ET2 + FT3     

        where C, D, E, F are constants
        T is the temperature
        VP(T) is the vapor pressure
Now, boiling occurs when the vapor pressure equals atmospheric, so that the "final answer" is
    C + DT + ET2 + FT3 = Po * e(-AY)
Now all we need are C, D, E, and F :-)

To complete your quest for a single equation, I can think of two ways to continue:

Good luck! Again, apologies for not being able to come up with a final form equation.

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