MadSci Network: Microbiology

Subject: Can you tell me anything about symbiotic methanotrophs in marine mussels?

Date: Mon Mar 3 11:35:31 1997
Posted by: Rebecca Smith
Grade level: undergrad
School/Organization: University of Kent at Canterbury
City: Canterbury State/Province: Kent
Country: United Kingdom
Area of science: Microbiology
Message ID: 857410531.Mi
Can you tell me anything about symbiotic methanotrophs in marine mussels?
My course textbook (Brock, Microbiology) mentions in passing symbiotic 
methanotrophic bacteria that live in the gills of marine mussels 
inhabiting the area around hydrocarbon vents on the sea bed.  I am
very interested, and would like to put them into an essay on 
symbiosis I am currently preparing.  However, Brock is extremely vague
and seems to know very little about them.  Can you help?

Re:Can you tell me anything about symbiotic methanotrophs in marine mussels?

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