MadSci Network: Genetics

Subject: What can cause a change in eye color during adolescence?

Date: Mon Sep 11 22:52:48 2000
Posted by Melissa
Grade level: undergrad School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: OR Country: USA
Area of science: Genetics
ID: 968727168.Ge

I read the other questions that were related to eye color changes, but I 
did not find an answer that explained by eye color change.  I was born 
with blue eyes and had light blue eyes until I was about fourteen.  My 
eyes turned gray and then they started becoming green.  After a while (I 
didn't keep track of the duration) they remained a shade of green(with 
some yellow).  My father has blue eyes and my mother has a hazel-green, 
and I have a sister with hazel-yellow.  I was wondering if the color 
change was related to stress or change.  One of my professors said that 
there are some genes that become turned on during adolescence and that my 
eye color was part of the change.  I know that this rarely happens, but it 
happened to me and I am curious to know why.  Any input would be 
wonderful, thanks!

Re: What can cause a change in eye color during adolescence?

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