MadSci Network: Medicine |
Hello. My father is normally a quite knowledgable man. But not concerning the matter on smoking. He smokes. He says that second hand smoke is "a bunch of bull". He says that there is no such thing as second hand smoke, and unless you smoke, yours lungs are clear as a bell. I said that my friend, who has rarely been exposed to smoke, has much clearer lungs than I do. He completely disagrees with me. He says that second hand smoke is a government conspiracy in an attempt to get more money ( something like that). He says that if a person smokes for twenty years, doesn't develop any long-term effects (i.e. emphasema, lung cancer, etc.) then in five years or so his lungs will completely clear and there would be no tar or any other smoking related substances left on the lung. I find this preposterous. What I have leaned in recent years in school completely contradicts his statements. So, my questions are is second hand smoke a falicy? How quickly does a smoker without long term effects lungs clear up? Thank you for your time and consideration of my questions.
Re: What are the long term effects of smoking
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