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Dear expert, I read in a book that the reaction between the carboxylic acid (acetic acid?) and chlorine gives H O | || Cl - C - C - OH + HCl | H What I would have expected was: O || CH3 - C - OCl + HCl Since the thing that makes an acid an acid is how easily it can lose an H+ and still remain as stable as possible (or at least that's what I learned at Organic Chem over the summer), I would have expected of all the H's to replaced by the Cl radical, it would be the H+ from the carboxylic acid. Another reason why I would think this is that H is not the typical leaving group, and Cl is not the one who usually does the substitution in organic reactions (maybe this isn't an SN1 or SN2 or E1 or E2 reaction in the first place?) Thanks!
Re: the reaction of CH3COOH and Cl2
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