MadSci Network: Chemistry |
Hi Tim: You asked what is less reactive platinum or gold? Is hydrogen a metal as it is in group 1 of the periodic table with lithium Li, sodium, Na, cesium Cs etc.? The distinction between metals and non metals is not as distinct as we often would like it to be. Those elements that easily loose electrons to from positive ions are called metals. Elements that are metals have the following physical properties; lustrous appearance, malleable, high density, good conductors of heat and electricity. They form basic oxides with oxygen. Metals are electropositive. Metals above hydrogen in the electromotive series will displace hydrogen from acids. Hydrogen is, by the above definition, not a metal. It is in group one of the periodic table because it has one electron in its outermost shell. --- Dan Berger adds: sometims (very seldom) H is placed in Group 17 of the periodic table because it can form a basic anion by gaining one electron. Metals can be grouped in order of their electrode potential. This is called the electrochemical series. Metals which are higher in the electrochemical series displace metals which are lower. Hydrogen has an electrode potential of +0.00. As to which is more reactive platinum or gold the answer is platinum with an electrode potential of +1.18 while gold has an electrode potential of +1.70. Element Potential (Volts) ======= ========= Lithium -3.04 Potassium -2.92 Calcium -2.87 Sodium -2.71 Magnesium -2.37 Aluminum -1.67 Manganese -1.85 Zinc -0.76 Chromium -0.74 Iron -0.44 Nickel -0.26 Tin -0.14 Lead -0.13 Hydrogen +0.00 Copper +0.34 Silver +0.80 Mercury +0.80 Platinum +1.18 Gold +1.70 A negative value for electrode potential means that the element loses electrons more readily than hydrogen (i.e., it is better reducing agent). A positive value for electrode potential means that the element is a poorer reducing agent than hydrogen. A strong oxidizing agent has a large positive potential and a strong reducing agent a large negative potential.
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