MadSci Network: Environment & Ecology

Subject: How does water surface tension relate to Earth and human sustainability?

Date: Mon Dec 11 16:36:58 2000
Posted by Carolyn
Grade level: 7-9 School: Hanes Middle School
City: Winston-Salem State/Province: North Carolina Country: USA
Area of science: Environment & Ecology
ID: 976570618.En

For my Science Fair Project, I am doing "The Effect of Water Pollution on 
Water Surface Tension."  Now, I am in the process of writing a research 
paper to go with the project.  I have researched information about surface 
tension and water pollution, and now need to link my project to 
sustainability.  I can not think of any way that surface tension of water 
could be essential for any organisms to survive.  Can you help me in any 
way, or suggest any other research I could do?

Re: How does water surface tension relate to Earth and human sustainability?

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