MadSci Network: Chemistry

Re: what is the model for ethanol

Date: Tue Apr 10 15:34:14 2001
Posted By: Michael Onken, Admin, MadSci Network
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 986873686.Ch

Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, has the stoichiometric formula, C2H6O, but it is usually written as either C2H5OH or CH3CH2OH in order to distinguish it from dimethyl ether. Ethanol is composed of two carbon atoms covalently attached by an sp3-sp3 molecular orbital, one of which is covalently bound to oxygen by another sp3-sp3 molecular orbital. The remaining free sp3 hybrid orbitals of the carbons and oxygen are bound to hydrogens via sp3-s covalent bonds:

The filled triangles represent bonds coming out of the plane and the hatched triangles represent bonds going into the plane. The other two sp3 hybrid orbitals of oxygen are filled by paired electrons, shown as dots.

For more information on ethanol's structure and chemistry, try one of the following:

NIST database entry for Ethanol
Intl. Chem. Safety Card for Ethanol
Organic Chemistry Online

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