MadSci Network: Chemistry |
Emmie, Carbon dioxide is soluble in water by combining with the water to produce carbonic acid. The reaction follows: CO2 + H2O <===> H2CO3 The reaction arrow points both ways because it is reversible, depending on the temperature of the soluciton and the gas pressure on the system. According to a text book "College Chemistry" 2nd Edition, by Paul R. Frey, Prentice Hall, 1958, the relationship between CO2 solubility and temperature is as follows: Temp. Deg C. Grams Gas/100 grams Water 0 0.355 10 0.232 20 0.169 30 0.126 40 0.097 50 0.076 60 0.058 When soda companies bottle or can their products, they chill the solution to about 35 degrees F. and lubricate the bottoms of the containers with liquid soap solution as they move along the conveyor belt system to minimize jostling them. Mechanical agitation also disrupts the equilibrium between gas in solution and gas coming out of solution. I hope this helps.
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