MadSci Network: Zoology |
Admin note: Sorry about the delay in this question, we had a small database problem and the question was temporarily lost. This is the answer from Kai Bester, another MAD Scientist: Dear unknown! I guess the question adresses sea turtles not the land species. During most of their life sea-turtles live in the sea. This can (and will in most cases) be the open oceans such as the atlantic. ANyway these turtles lay their eggs in the sand of some beaches. So they have to come ashore for this. Directly after breaking the eggs the very young ones have to pass the beach again and remain for some time in the coastal waters. For sting rays the situation is a bit diverse. The more or less shallow waters of, e.g., the carribean seas (depth 1-30m) are the normal habitat of these animals. kind regards Kai
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