MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Making the sun's rays parallel

Date: Fri Dec 5 08:46:21 2003
Posted by Daniel
Grade level: undergrad School: Musictech
City: Minneapolis State/Province: MN Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 1070635581.Ph

I've found that many times, when talking about the sun's rays, they're referred to as 
almost parallel. Obviously, this isn't the case; the sun is a disc, not a point source of 
light. Here's my question: if I were trying to take the reflection off of a circular mirror that 
was, say 1 foot in diameter, what could I do to make those light rays parallel? Would a 
slightly convex mirror do the trick? Image quality is not the issue. What about a lens? 
Thanks in advance.


Re: Making the sun's rays parallel

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