MadSci Network: Physics |
I had an idea of how to map a scene in 3d using a digital camera. I thought to use the camera's sensitivity to infrared light and the function of propagation of light to determine the distance from an object to the camera in order to recreate a 3-dimensional scene. A digital camera does not output the intensity of the light at each pixel. At best I could find the brightness (I believe it is also called Luminance) of a pixel by converting the RGB value to a HSL value for each pixel. Luminance ranges from 0-1.0 And the intensity of light could be anything positive. So i thought to have a formula like: lum = 1-1/(Light^n + 1) and then light = (1/(1-lum) -1)^(1/n) So that the function asymptotes at lum=1. To find n I tried using two led’s. I took a photo of a wall with 1 on, and then the other, and then with both on at the same time. I thought that l light(lum1) + light(lum2) = light (lum_combined) I understand that the lum would be different depending on exposure timing, but, in general, am I going in the right direction? Thanks, Roman R.
Re: Is there a way to convert between light intensity and Luminance?
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