MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: How does the expansion of gunpowder compare to that of gasoline?

Date: Fri Nov 16 17:03:14 2007
Posted by James
Grade level: grad (non-science) School: No school entered.
City: Houston State/Province: Texas Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 1195257794.Ph

Both gunpowder and gasoline are burnt to create gas to create pressure to do
work. The occasional experiment with powder-powered engines indicates some folks
think they're similar enough in performance to be somewhat interchangeable
(obviously the liquid/solid and oxidizer issues must be overcome). Information
on the performance of the two substances seems hard to come by, though. What
are, and/or where might I find, numbers on:

- gas volume produced per original volume (or whatever is common useful measure;
pressure maybe?), and
- burn rate

for gasoline (and maybe diesel) and modern smokeless powder (and maybe black

Re: How does the expansion of gunpowder compare to that of gasoline?

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