MadSci Network: Chemistry | Is there a formula, method, or theory for calculating the melting point and boiling (disassociaton) points of minerals, perhaps based on element content/ratios? I'd like to make a detailed accretion model including all possible minerals and I'd hate to have to guess at such figures. The solar system generator Stargen fails in many ways, including only having about 18 molecules factored into it's accretion code, basically the terrestrials are made of nothing. I wrote something I call "101 errors of Stargen" and I would like to addess those issues and write a better program but not knowing when a given mineral becomes liquid or dissociates hampers that effort. Gabriel I'll send a copy of "101 errors of Stargen" to anyone who asks. thanks.
Re: is there a formula/theory for calculating mineral Melting/Boiling points?
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