MadSci Network: Cell Biology

Subject: Does liquid bleach has to be diluted to be effective as a virus killer?

Date: Tue Jan 22 16:17:29 2013
Posted by stephanie
Grade level: grad (science) School: KUL
City: Brussels State/Province: No state entered. Country: Belgium
Area of science: Cell Biology
ID: 1358896649.Cb

I had a person telling me that if liquid bleach was not diluted into water 
before using it, it would not be effective to kill viruses & bacteria. I 
believe that even if I use the liquid bleach undiluted, it will still be 
effective as a virus killer.
I guess we dilute it to be more environmentally safe as a small quantity can 
work as well as a large quantity, sometimes even better.
Thanks for your answers!

Re: Does liquid bleach has to be diluted to be effective as a virus killer?

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