MadSci Network: Genetics

Subject: What do certain DNA markers mean and the numbers that go with them?

Date: Sat May 31 20:32:48 2014
Posted by Adrien
Grade level: 10-12 School: Gonzales High School
City: Gonzales State/Province: Texas Country: United States
Area of science: Genetics
ID: 1401593568.Ge

As a child my parents had to get a DNA test done for some legal issues. All 
these years later I'm very curious to see what it means. I've tried everything 
that I can think of to decode this to no avail. The test was to compare 
someone claiming to be my father against my DNA. The markers and the 
corresponding numbers that go with them are:
CSF1PO 13,12
Vwn 18,17
D16S539 12,11
F13B 10,8

Re: What do certain DNA markers mean and the numbers that go with them?

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