MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: Why when more peroxide is added to more catalase, is there a greater reacti

Date: Sun Mar 26 21:26:03 2000
Posted by Tony
Grade level: 10-12 School: Whitehall High School
City: Whitehall State/Province: PA Country: USA
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 954127563.Ch

During a Bio lab we were working with catalase and a diluted peroxide 
solution.  we wre supposed to put 1 ml of catalase in the flask and 100 ml 
of the solution which consisted of 15 ml 3% peroxide and 85 ml water.  
Instead we put 3 ml catalase and 125 ml peroxide with no water.  Why was 
the reaction so great that in almost reached to room of the room?  What 
made it happen.  I told me teacher it was beacuse more peroxide and more 
catalse but she said that wasnt true.  CAn you help me?

Re: Why when more peroxide is added to more catalase, is there a greater reacti

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