MadSci Network: Biochemistry

Subject: Why does the aluminum chloride in my deodorant stain my shirts yellow?

Date: Thu Mar 15 12:56:11 2001
Posted by Sarah
Grade level: grad (science) School: (just use my first name, no last name or email pls!)
City: New York State/Province: No state entered. Country: No country entered.
Area of science: Biochemistry
ID: 984678971.Bc

I don't understand why the aluminum chloride in my (typical) deodorants reacts 
with my perspiration and stains my shirts bright yellow.  I also can't seem to 
remove this chemical reaction from my clothes and it's frustrating.  Now, I use 
a natural salt stick, with no aluminum - just salt! - and I have no problems 
with stains.  The salt deodorant does not last as long, but I prefer the 
results.  What is the biochemical process involved here?  Thanks!

Re: Why does the aluminum chloride in my deodorant stain my shirts yellow?

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