MadSci Network: Evolution |
Dear Tyson, Basically, macroevolution is about big evolutionary changes, over long
time periods, while microevolution is about smaller, more rapid changes.
Macroevolutionary questions are generally considered to start with things
like ‘how are new species formed’ and go on to questions like ‘what can we
learn about conditions in the past from the history of species
diversification’ and ‘how do ecosystems recover from mass extinctions’ and
‘how constant (or not) is the rate at which new species are formed and
other species go extinct’, as well as questions about the evolution of
certain groups, such as describing how humans have evolved from other apes,
and apes from other monkeys. Microevolution focuses on evolution within
species, such as adaptive changes in particular enzymes in particular
conditions, so things like the evolution of resistance to drugs in
disease-causing bacteria, of resistance to high concentrations of poisonous
metals in plants growing on polluted sites, and the identification of
individual populations of deer would all have micro-evolutionary bases. So, as a rule of thumb, macroevolution looks at changes above the level
of species, such as the generation of new species and bigger groups, such
as the mammals, while microevolution is about changes within species. Some
evolutionary biologists (such as Stephen Jay Gould, who has written several
excellent, popular books on evolution and biology in general) think that
some other processes are at work in macroevolution as well as natural
selection, and many people think that more or less change at the molecular
level (changes in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA) are basically neutral
– have no effect on the success of the organism but, and I want to make
ORGANISMS. There are so-called ‘creation scientists’ who attempt to
reconcile what they see in the natural world with the biblical account of
creation, but they do very bad science, and aren’t really scientists at
all. The fact that evolution has happened, and mostly by natural selection
(which is what Darwin suggested, and what all the fuss is about), doesn’t
mean that god doesn’t exist. If you are religious, then you have to see the
Genesis account as a mere metaphor, and I think most large Christian
denominations accept that God didn’t play any active role in influencing
the course of evolution. Personally, I’m an atheist, but that’s another
story. There is a massive wealth of evidence proving that evolution has
occurred, and you should realize that, although biologists argue about the
role of various processes in evolution, they all accept that evolution has
occurred. Evolution is, to my mind, the most important unifying
theme making sense of all the little observations that biologists have
collected over the generations. Microevolution is easy to demonstrate, as
we can pretty much see it in action – the most famous example is of a moth
called Biston betullaria, which was originally a speckled colour,
but more and more commonly became much more solid black when pollution
began killing lichen on tree stumps. Lichens are white and live in patterns
on the darker trunks of beech trees which Biston lives on. As the
lichens died, the trunks became darker, and experiments show that predators
eat more of the dark moths on lichen-covered trunks, and eat more of the
speckled moths on dark, non-lichened trunks. As the lichens died, the
darker moths survived longer, gave birth to more dark moths, and so the
entire populations of high-pollution areas (the original study was near
Birmingham, an industrial city in the West midlands of England) became
dark. Interestingly, as anti-pollution laws have come into effect, the dark
form has become much less common, and this correlates well with the spread
of healthy new lichens! This is pretty much as close to a direct observation of evolution
happening as we can hope for, and other examples include the evolution of
bacterial resistance to some drugs (particularly antibiotics). Observing
macroevolution is impossible, as most of it happened a long time ago, and
it happens enormously slowly, so perhaps the best evidence for
macroevolution is that we can see similarities between different organisms,
and that these similarities are hierarchical – i.e. many organisms have
only a few things in common, and some of these have many more things in
common, and some of these few have loads of things in common, and a couple
of species will be almost identical. This hierarchical similarity is what
enables us to put organisms together into groups and to work out how they
evolved from their ancestors. There are many famous examples of
macroevolutionary studies, such as Darwin’s finches on the Galapagos
islands and certain species of bivavles, for which an amazingly large
numbers of fossils are known, making it easy to see how they have changed
over long periods of time. I’m not going to explain any of these examples in great detail here, but
you can read about them. Charles Darwin’s original – ‘The Origin of
Species’ is easily available (e.g. at and is surprisingly easy to read.
Darwin presents an enormous deluge of evidence for his ideas, as he had to
at the time to convince a skeptical world, so you can share the evidence
that convinced some of the leading young scientists of the mid-1800s. Steve
Jones, a British geneticist, has recently written 'Almost
like a whale', intended to be an updated ‘origin of species’ presenting
new evidence for evolution that wasn’t available in Darwin’s time. This
book will be released in the USA as
Darwin’s Ghost in April. If you’d like to
read more about how evolution and natural selection work, I can recommend
The Blind Watchmaker’ by Richard
Dawkins, or, slightly drier, but excellent, the textbook
Evolution’ by Mark Ridley or you can get
it more cheaply in the UK -
Thanks very much for writing to us and asking this question. I’m writing
from Scotland, and every biologist here has heard about, and condemns the
decision of your education board. I hope I answer this question well
enough, since you might not learn very much about this at school.
James Cotton
Try the links in the MadSci Library for more information on Evolution.