MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: How many atoms are in a single drop of water?

Date: Mon Oct 9 22:59:52 2000
Posted by Kalei Rennert
Grade level: 7-9 School: Snow Cayon Middle
City: St. George State/Province: Utah Country: U.S.A
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 971146792.Ch

My friend told me that I couldn't find how many atoms there are in a drop 
of water. So I have been waisting all my time on trying to find an anwser 
that might be right, but mostly I told him if I couldn't find it two weeks 
that i would give him $50 but if I could then I get $50 from him.
Kalei Rennert

Re: How many atoms are in a single drop of water?

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