MadSci FAQ: Hurricanes
The most terrifying of storms, hurricanes and typhoons are the most powerful weather systems seen on planet earth.
General Information about Hurricanes
Different names for a hurricane?
What is the difference between a typhoon and a hurricane?
How are the sustained winds of a hurricane measured?
When does a storm get named?
Could two hurricanes combine, and if so what would happen?
Mechanics of hurricanes
How do hurricanes form?
How do conduction, convection and radiation affect hurricanes and tornados?
How much does the sea rise for ever inch drop in air pressure?
Are winds in hurricanes angular or linear?
Why do hurricanes move north against the trade winds?
Is there a higher amount of salt in rain from a hurricane?
What causes a hurricane to stall, such as Mitch?
If a hurricane crosses the equator does the wind change direction?
How does a hurricane affect water under the ocean?
Hurricanes and thermodynamics
The eye of the hurricane
What is the eye of a storm?
Explain how the eye of a hurricane forms?
Why is the eye calm?
Can a hurricane have more than one eye?
Can the eye of the hurricane die on land?
Can you blow up/freeze/stop a hurricane?
MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) vs. hurricane
10 megaton nuke vs. hurricane
Ammonium nitrate vs. hurricane
Part 2: NH4NO3 vs. hurricane
Liquid nitrogen at sea vs. hurricane
Islands vs. hurricanes
North America vs. hurricanes
Can a hurricane occur in....?
Which areas of the US are most in danger from hurricanes?
Can a hurricane form solely over the Gulf of Mexico?
Could we ever have a hurricane in Michigan (upper midwest, USA)?
Could a hurricane hit northern Europe?
Specific hurricanes
Curbing the ecological destruction of Katrina?
What hurricane names have been retired?
What long-term effect will Mitch have on Honduras?
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